‘Universe of the Arts’ writes about the painting of the Russian artist Nikolai Kuzmin.
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'Universe of the Arts' writes about the painting of the Russian artist Nikolai Kuzmin.



October 2006


By Patrice de la Perriere, art critic, editor in charge of the review ‘Universe of the Arts’

Nikolay Kuzmin,
a cascade of light

Absolutely expressionist, Nikolay Kuzmin nevertheless takes roads that cut across towards re-creations that flirt with abstractions, and towards distinctive affections ensuing from a sensitive fauvism.

Most of my paintings do not transmit a representation of the material world in its whole complexity and objectivity, but constitute rather a substance of light and colour, such as a rainbow, clouds – these ephemeral formations in rapid and never-ending change, this play of forms and colour.

Indeed, Nikolay Kuzmin’s painting is flooded with a tender and flowing luminosity, which plunges it into a pool of colourful and vaporous vibrations.

People or landscapes seem to bloom on the canvas, stirring with hues, showing their soul before their form, their heart before their appearance.

This aspiration to express the invisible, to create an emotional atmosphere, contributes to captivating and touching a transfiguration of reality.

Born in a peasant family on the banks of the river Volga Nikolay Kuzmin is one of the great representatives of the Muscovite School of artists. Since his childhood he has found inspiration in popular culture among songs, poetry and traditional art.

Revealing his Russian origin in his painting, between nostalgia and lucidity towards life, he can also touch, through particularly humane little stories, the universality of sentiment.

His universe, rich in both aesthetic and emotional sensations, brings a creative inspiration to discover in the contemporary world.

Nikolay Kuzmin appears in the Salon du Dessin et de la Peinture à l’Eau and in the Salon des Artistes Français in Grand Palais, within the framework of « Art Capital », from November 9th to 19th, 2006, and in the Salon de la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, in Carrousel du Louvre from December 14 to 17, 2006.

The artist’s work can also be seen in the Daniel Besseiche galleries (Paris, Geneva, Dinard, Courchevel).

Patrice de la Perrière


« Carré à la farine »
Open From Tuesday 31st October to Sunday 12th November, 2006 - Vernissage on Tuesday, the 31st of october from 6PM to 8:30PM at 70 bis, rue de la Paroisse • Place du marché Notre Dame - 78000 Versailles • Phone : +33 (0)1 39 51 52 04 – Every day from 11AM to 7PM Studio contact : +33 (0)1 39 20 08 05, +33 (0)6 20 11 11 63 • Web site : www.kouzmine.fr

Pictures :
1) Once upon a time, the children sitting on the golden porch... Oil on canvas. 110x100 cm (43.3 x 39.4 inches), 1991
2) Bright Versailles. Oil on canvas. 73x92 cm (28.7 x 36.2 inches), 1998
3) Little Misha. Oil on canvas. 54x47 cm (21.3 x 18.5 inches), 1991

Version originale en langue française

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