Pieces of writing about the Russian painter Nikolai Kuzmin
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The painter Nikolai Kuzmin tells about his origins, how he became an artist and what painting means to him


The art gallery owner Matthieu Dubuc knows the artist and his painting very well

The art gallery owner Matthieu Dubuc

knows the artist and his painting very well.


The museum curator Henri Pailler has organised an exhibition of Kuzmin's painting in the museum of Allard

The museum curator Henri Pailler

has organised an exhibition of Kuzmin's painting in the museum of Allard.


The art critic Nina Gordeyeva writes about what mostly influenced the artist in his work

The art critic Nina Gordeyeva

writes about what mostly influenced the artist in his work.


The Ambassador of Russia in France, who is an art collector,  has visited the artist's exhibition in Versailles

The Ambassador of Russia in France

, who is an art collector, has visited the artist's exhibition in Versailles.