When Mr Avdeyev visited Kuzmin's exhibition in Versailles
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The diplomat Alexander Avdeyev has visited the artist's exhibition in Versailles.


The diplomat Alexander Alexeyevich Avdeyev together with Nikolai Kuzmin at his exhibition in Versailles. A note by Alexander Alexeyevich Avdeyev in the goldenbook of the exhibition.

I am charmed by the work of the remarkable Russian painter Nikolai Kuzmin

. How pleasant it is to see again his paintings in Versailles! I am sure that the French will highly appreciate the great talent and the charming and romantic brushwork of the painter. Only a true master can portray the warmth and play of light.

Thank you for this joy.
My best wishes for success,
Your faithful admirer

A. Avdeyev

Ambassador of Russia in France
November 11, 2006

From 2008 to 2012, Alexander Alexeyevich Avdeyev was Minister of Culture

(Minister for the Arts) of Russia.
Since 2013 he has been Ambassador of Russia to the Holy See (Vatican City State).