Kuzmin, a painter from the muscovite Academy of Fine Arts
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Discover the 2024 events in relation with Nikolai Kuzmin's painting exhibitions.

'À l'Écu de France' gallery in Viroflay (Remembering Corot artists)

Album 'Selfportrait' (in French) of Nikolai Kuzmin's paintings Album 'Little Misha' (in French) of Nikolai Kuzmin's paintings
For the newsletter:
50 paintings by Kuzmin were exhibited at the Musee d'Allard (42600 Montbrison, France) till the 22nd of September 2010
50 paintings by Kuzmin were exhibited both at Matthieu Dubuc gallery and in the municipal library (92500 Rueil-Malmaison, France) until the 30th of April 2010